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ESP32 overview

ESP32-C3 single core, cost-effective RISC-V MCU with WiFi and BLE 5.0 key aim was to be a replacement for ESP8266 - easy to upgrade existing ESP8266 to ESP32-C3 cheap smart home and office devices

ESP32-S series (ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3) - upgrade from the ESP32 - new and faster LX7 processor architecutre - more security features - on-chip AI capabilities - secure & low power use cases

ESP32-S2 - single core
- upgrade from the ESP32 - secure & low power use cases

ESP32-S3 - dual-core - aimed at AI and AIoT - offline voice recognition - computer vision - wake word detection - multi-dimensional human machine interface Example: ESP32-S3-Box AI Voice development kit

ESP32 Family Feature Grid As mentioned from: Adafruit Blog: ESP32 Family Feature Grid I struggle to remember the differences among the original ESP32 and the subsequent S2, S3 and C3 Series microcontrollers. Was going to carefully assemble a feature grid to organize this, and share it here on the blog…but as it turns out Espressif already has a fantastic one, I just didn’t think to look here. It’s perfection! And long!

Adafruit Blog: Updating ESP32 AirLift Firmware

Adafruit Blog 1/6/2023: An alternate ESP32 flashing utility esputil is a command line tool for managing Espressif devices. It is a replacement for esputil is part of It is written in C and is available as a no-dependency static binary for Mac, Linux, Windows

Adafruit Blog 1/25/2023: New Product! Featuring Adafruit ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT Feather

Adafruit Blog 2/16/2023: New Guide! 3D Printed Stand for Feather ESP32 with Reverse TFT

WLED project A fast and feature-rich implementation of an ESP8266/ESP32 webserver to control NeoPixel (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812) LEDs or also SPI based chipsets like the WS2801 and APA102! As referenced from WLED on hckrnews

ESP32 Buyer’s Guide: Different Chips, Firmware, Sensors As referenced from hckrnews

Drill down into the technical specifications of each chip, see this guide on GitHub.

Get ESP32 GitHub updates over the air with MicroPython ugit allows one to keep your remote ESP32 devices in sync with a GitHub repository.

This page was last updated on 2023-02-20 13:57:07 -0500.